Terms of Service

The content and images used on this website are the property of and copyright by Rhythm Photography. Certain images may be utilized on other websites under the control of the photographer and/or Rhythm  Photography. No images or content may be copied, duplicated or otherwise taken from the website without express written permission from Rhythm Photography and/or the creator of the work.

In accordance with the United States Copyright Laws, the copyright of all images created by Rhythm Photography is owned by Rhythm Photography. Rhythm Photography retains all copyright benefit for all images created by our photographers indefinitely. Copyrights for art (including photographs) do not expire. Unless the Photographer gives written authorization, the Client is forbidden by law to copy any images created by the photographer and agrees that all photographic reprints, digital duplications or copies of any type made from images created by the Photographer, shall only be carried out by the Photographer.

If the Client wishes to own the copyright of images created by the Photographer, an additional fee will be paid by the Client to the Photographer for transferring the copyright. This fee will be mutually agreed upon by both parties. The transfer of copyright will only become applicable after this payment has been made in full.

License for the use of images will always be granted for non-commercial use at no cost as long as credit for the work is given and notification of use is communicated to Rhythm Photography. Non-commercial uses include personal web pages, prints of images, or other print product kept or given to friends and family. Commercial use includes any business web page, any use of images for advertising or promotion, any other use that would be considered as commercial or financially beneficial to the user.

Rhythm Photography reserves the right to make reproductions of images created during assignments for marketing, promotional, competition and editorial purposes.

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